The Bone King

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King Lysander ruled over an entire kingdom in another Material Plane. When his court wizard claimed to have found a new world he sent his armies in motion and soon mounted an invasion.

Lysander led his troops through the portal but none of them returned. However, his armies arrived to the new unexplored world and he began his conquest. His last stop happened to be the Dread Lands archipelago.

There, King Lysander was stopped in his tracks by an unknown force, his army and himself laying to rest in a forested area near Tanaroa.

His troops rose long ago as ghouls and ghasts due to the corrupting magic that permeates the forest. However the king's body remained undisturbed... until the orc raiders opened his tomb and broke the protective seals.

Now Lysander walks on the lands of the living once more, although he is not one of them anymore.
Player:Undead Legion
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human