Victoria Merch

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Gender: Female
Bust size: B-cup
Height: 155 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Eye colour: Chocolate brown
Hair colour: naturally browm, partly dyed
Skin colour: Pale like those who do not work outdoors
Make-up: Uses lipstick to redden her lips and eyeshadow and liner to darken her eyes

She is young woman who seems to have mind of her own. Her behaviour is sometimes arrogant and some might think her being spoiled brat. She is often seen in the presence of older man.

Her body is still slender even forming more curves the older she gets. But her habbit to wear corsets has shaped her body to look more curvaceous than what it would be naturally to her age.

Greenlight: Staying with her Lord.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human