Shyrin Aramastus

Portrait Save
A beautiful man with a regal bearing. He has pale skin and well-cared for hair, complete with intoxicating eyes of a dull crimson. His outfit is a combination of silks and leather, both flowing and constricted, as suits his personality.

He seems well accustomed to courting royalty, perhaps being of noble blood himself.  He carries himself with the posture of a noble and conducts his interactions with an unmistakable dignity and reserve.

At times, Shyrin is easy-going and pleasant enough, but there is a degree of ice to his attitude that displays itself at times. A keen eye would notice the whip hanging at his side. It is clean and in perfect condition, clearly having never been used as a weapon. What purpose does it serve?

(This character has a varied history, but it wouldn't be fitting to go into the details here. If interested, please RP for more)

Player:Grand Vizier
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf