
Portrait Save
Name: Vereor
Race: Wolfkin (beast)
Height 6'5ft
Weight: 275 pounds
Fur: Black
Eyes: Left - Completely red, no pupil or iris can be seen / Right - Blue
Physique: Muscular, bulky

A large, heavy beast that wears the armour and clothing of men. He walks upon his digitigrade legs with a slightly haunched back, torso encased in a strong, curved breast-plate. A face, marred by two ugly scars scans his surroundings with apprehensive curiosity. His black fur is particular thick around his head and neck, bristling. Clearly a winter breed. Canine ears twitch and flick with almost every noise.
His biceps, naked to the world are huge and round, this beast is built for raw strength, not dexterity. Indeed, every move he makes has a sense of weight behind it.

Despite a fang filled maw, scarred face, black fur, he is not a creature of evil, and those with the ability to sense such would feel none from him.

Vereor is somewhat civilised. While not highly educated, or metropolitan by any means, when he does speak he can pronounce each word intelligently. He talks rarely, but when he does his voice is deep, but soft as if he is just barely above a whisper, restrained.

Regular observation might reveal a soft spot, as he tends to regard humanoids and cat-alinged folk with a soft and protective attitude.

Vereor is a wanderer. Once he belonged to a tribe of beasts like himself, and was respected as a warrior amongst them. He however was much too much of a loner amongst his people, a poor trait to be had amongst wolfen folk. This lead to mistrust, and once certain perversions were discovered, he was kicked from his tribe.

Catbois and catgirls
Rough sex
Good RP, good natured folk

Reds: The normal stuff

I'm quite tell friendly, love a good chat.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc