Slink of the Black Company

Portrait Save

Name: Slink (That's it, no middle or last name)
Gender: Female (Nope, nothing extra)
Race: Human
Height: 4'2" (She grew! Updated 4/16/2020, formerly 4')
Weight: ~80 lbs.
Hair style and color: Knee length, Obsidian
Personality: Mostly reserved, unless in a private setting or with people she knows, will she be more vocal.
Rank: Officer (Updated 4/16/2020, formerly a grunt)
Profession: Scout/Warrioress/Minor Spook.

~~~~~ A Dark Tide ~~~~~

Slink was born in New Taglios, close to the palace, during that time, One of The Ten Who Were Taken, Soulcatcher, had been deemed the liberator of the city by freeing them of their binding contract to the Black Company, it was a dark time for the outfit, but we did what we always did best, kept to the shadows and deceived our enemies at every corner. 'Course it was mostly thanks to the spooks and our engineers who were clever in most of their designs that were able to keep them guessing, and fortunately we never had to directly deal with Soulcatcher herself.

~~~~~ Appearance ~~~~~

Slink is still in the growing process, due to a rare disease that she was born with, it stunted her growth, and so it took a toll on her body, currently she stands at four feet two inches, but her build is lithe and slightly muscular, her body was that of a nimble warrior but damn was she built like an ox, favoring clothing that was mostly form fitting.

She definitely wasn't voluptuous in any way, her training and various professions she dabbled in keeping her well toned and quite fit, but that only detracted from the beauty she could've had as a young woman, despite this, she walks proudly, her shoulders always squared and even though she wasn't a high ranking official within The Outfit, she carried authority and guile as if it were her armor, though few would notice this, seeing as she mostly kept to herself and to the shade as much as she could.

Her face was framed with a strong jaw, coming to a soft pointed v at the bottom of it, and a few scars adorned her face, one directly beneath the right eye that formed a crooked cross, her lips were soft and quite small as with the rest of her body, her ears rather moderately sized for someone of her stature, and those eyes, that seemed to pierce the darkness so well, were a soft glint of emerald, the sparkle in them very dull, but it was there.

~~~~~ Annals ~~~~~

Slink was born to Lady and Croaker, Captain and Vice Captain of The Black Company, her mother being at one point in time the most powerful spook to rule the lands north of the Serpent Seas, after having burying her husband, The Dominator, in a plain called the Barrowland.

~~~~~ Training ~~~~~

Slink, having been born to Croaker and Lady, was among one of the first to receive training, not only from the Nar themselves, but also from the few surviving spooks who were still in the Company and were still original members for centuries, One-Eye and Goblin.

~~~~~ Backstory ~~~~~

Slink has been with The Black Company as an official member for 17 years now, putting her in her mid 20's, she has managed to work her way through the ranks of the outfit from being a lowly grunt to now being a full fledged First Lieutenant within the Company, just beneath her Father and Mother. The outfit has since grow massively in size during their stay in New Taglios, reaching to over 200 members once they managed to spread word of what Soulcatcher's true purpose was for coming to the city; The eradication of The Black Company and her sister, Lady, in order to become the last powerful mage in the realm. (Will add more as time goes on.) (New Addition, Added 4/16/2020.)

That's all I have for now, if you want to get to know her, then RP.

Far as lights go, I'm open to a lot, but be warned, she won't jump into bed with just anyone. If you're interested in some RP with her, then send me a tell please. I don't bite.
Player:I Sunk The 8 Ball On The Break
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Halfling