Alix The Twisted

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"Alix The Twisted"
- Your everyday friendly pathological liar.


%_General Information_%
(What can be sensed)

[Race] - Demon (Unknown Subtype) - Appears as a slim, toned human female.
[Gender] - Female
[Age] - Uncertain / Looks in her mid-twenties (Human)
[Height] - 5 ft exactly
[Weight] - A demon never tells!
[Eyes] - Carmine
[Hair] - Carmine
[Scent] - Raspberry! At least, it's a sweet and tangy fruit scent!
[Voice] - Smooth, friendly. Gently encouraging, though sometimes loud and excited! Be warned, she can also be a cruel, dark bitch.
[Body Mass] - Lean and slender, a dancer's figure.
[Miscellaneous] - She maintains a higher body temperature than most (Feels feverish). Her tail is a thick black whip at her back, tapering into a sharp spade. There's a leather collar around it, about two thirds of the way towards the end, with sharpened metal spikes on it to lend a bit of lethality to the occasion.


(More or less OOC information but can be found out in RP easily)

[Personal Behavior] - Impulsive, charming, intelligent
[Social Behavior] - Pleasant, friendly, curious
[Posture] - Sophisticated, composed, thoughtful


%_Racial traits_%
(For RP purposes)

[Immunities] - Acid, poisons, diseases
[Resistances] - Fire, Electricity
[Vulnerabilities] - Divine energy
[Languages] - Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Elven, Undercommon/Drow
[Miscellaneous] - Dark vision, telepathy, physical damage reduction (9/-)


This dark demonette has a constant smirk on her lips, which has led to her nickname "The Twisted", as nothing she ever does or says is what it seems, always hidden behind a smile that simply cannot be trusted.

She dresses in dark clothing to match her ebony horns and show off her blood red hair - And an equally dark tail whips around behind her, circled with a leather collar bearing vicious metal spikes.
Player:Send Her Victorious
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf