Scarlett Isgal Angelf d'Eath

This female catling is no great beauty, but she compensates with a winning smile and buoyant personality.

Standing 3'8 tall, she has a scrawny body and an oversized head topped with a mop of amber hair, usually tied back in a ponytail. Her face is round and pale, hairless save for the ears, which are covered in fuzzy white fur that thickens toward the tips. Set in the face are a pair of large, curious eyes, the irises a striking scarlet.

Her dainty hands appear humanlike, but beneath the rolled-up trousers, her lower legs are noticeably digitigrade; covered in thick fur the same colour as her hair, each ends in a clawed cat's paw.

Although newly past the threshold of adulthood- she appears to be perhaps nineteen or twenty in human terms- she nevertheless displays a cheerful confidence beyond her years.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf