Lauren Bentz

Lauren is a woman.  She isn't a fiend or a tiefling or a celestial or anything else.  She's just a plain, ordinary human with all of the frialties and shortcomings that go with it.

She has seasonal allergies, doesn't like broccoli, stubs her toe from time to time and occasionally breaks a nail.  She even catches colds.

Lauren is about five feet eight inches tall and is thicker set below the waist.  Her hair color changes from time to time, but she has fair skin and freckles.

Mostly, Lauren is a good-natured girl, trusting and jovial.  She's a gentle soul who seems to want other people to be happy around her.  

Her temperment borders on the shy side.  Maybe just a little naive. Overall, she is kind.
Player:Servus Invictus
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human