
Every family has that one 'Black Sheep', even Satyrs.

Introducing Mabreen, Mab for short. It's not the name she was born with, but it's the one she's taken in honor of Queen Mab of the Unseelie Court.

Mabreen is obviously a fey creature. Gregarious, mischievous, social, engaging, and knock your fucking socks off stunning.

Unlike most fey seen around these parts, Mab is not early as harmless as her looks may make her seem. She is Unseelie, afterall. Inherently conniving and selfish, her pranks tend to not be the harmless sorts that everyone can have a good laugh over after.

No no, she is just as apt to poison your tea for giggle and watch as your face swells, your tongue lolls out, and you start to turn blue.

Or maybe she'll slip a few too many aphrodisiac pills into your soup and give you the sort of raging boner Viagra commercials warn you against.

All of it is, of course, to her just one big joke. All for laughs, her own. If you're not laughing, that's okay. She doesn't mind enjoying the chuckle all to herself.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf