
Name: Mala
Sex: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 22
Height: 5.1
Bust: C
Hair: Dyed black. Red stripes on front, both sides of face
Eyes: Purple with lenses, otherwise dark blue

Mala is rather young adult for half elven. She seems to be over twenties. Her slightly pointed ears tell of her heritage which has left her usually outside of social activities, not only with humans but also with elves. Also another hint of her mixed heritage is her slightly more paler skin than humans could naturally have.

She has dyed her hair coal black and cut it a bit above her shoulders, leaving it about equally long on every side. That hair is slightly curly, especially from it's tips, and has a red dyed stripe on either side of her face to give her pale complexion a bit more striking.

She has not only made a darker shade around her narrow eyes and eyelids with black make up, but also her brows and eyelashes are made to look more thick and dark as well. She has placed lenses on her eyes, making them to look purple instead of dark blue which is her natural color. Just below the corner of left eye she has tattooed a black shape of a teardrop. Her lips are painted with black shiny lipstick, making them to look more full and pouty than they actually are.

Her shorty 5'1" figure is quite slim with C cup breasts, that have black inked tattoos on them that form a tribal looking picture, reaching up almost up to her neck. Her left bicep has a tattoo of black and purple snakes entwining into each other. On left thigh there is a tattoo of a rose. She paints her nails black.

Reds: Bathroom, senseless gore and pain, men, torture, childish characters

Greens: Exagrating everything is already a good go. You may ask some certain things if you like. Getting into trouble and intresting plots. Also romances and walks by beach in moonlight :)
Player:Emily Triss
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf