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"My heart is cold but you're warm to me."


Undeniably an undead... so how is it that she retains a semblance of attractiveness? This is no frozen beauty of a vampire or even a magically created front to disguise herself yet the corpse could easily attract a longer gaze if one were so inclined as to not mind the occasionally missing limb. Yes, each meeting with her reinforced the fact that she was not an undead very good at keeping herself together. At her worst she's reduced to juggling her own head between hands while trying to keep a leg attached. Despite her somewhat dour position as what must be a lowly undead she's known to purposely remove parts of herself for shock or comedic value- perhaps her largest problem was partly caused by herself.

The chill of the negative energy animating her keeps her from decaying at all, hanging in the air around her and making the living uncomfortable. Blackness has infected her: two eyes filled with void, the barest hint of white at the corners veined with black. Lips, veins and any other skin near enough to where blood used to be is now a pure black. Any who stare for too long could get the creeping idea that the black liquid in her veins moves but never enough to tell if it's more than a trick of the eye. The most noticeable between missing parts of her body, the veins look more like stitching and seemingly start to sew themselves back when reattaching a part of herself.

Thick, black lashes surround the voids of her eyes that reflected lights in the area as sparkling stars within them. Enthralling in a dangerous way. Skin and hair white she truly lacked a single spot of color on her body in death. Lines of her face in compliment to the curves of her body she was noble born or simply lucky. How she ended up in her current predicament or even how she manages to function without a mage is a mystery. When parts of her detach, the black held in her veins splinters apart with the consistency of ice only to dissipate into the air in seconds. It's harder to say how the liquid would behave in an area actually cold enough for the undead.

Attracted both the heat of life and the chill of her own kind there is little distinction to her on who she drains power off of.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human