Kyo Softpaw

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Personal Information

Name: Kyo
Family name: Softpaw
Race: Hengeyokai
Subrace: Hare
Profession: Monk
Discipline: Way of the cyclon
Voice: Raspy, mellow
Sexuality: Passive, bisexual, switch
Demeanor: Laid back, thoughtful, sassy
Personality: Blade of grass

Information - peculiar traits

Smell: Smells of narcotic herbs, rarely of alcohol
Congenital disorder: achromia (Albinism)
Weaponry: One sword, that seems to glow whenever its in her hand
Pipe: Always lit, filled with some sort of narcotic herbs, never leaving her side
Bota bag: Filled with mysterious, alcoholic liquid, never leaving her side.
Status: Either high or drunk

Physical information - animal form

Physical information - Bipedal

Height: 4'0 feet
Weight: 60 lbs
Body shape: Pear shaped
Build: Slim, athletic, swimmer
Fur: Fluffy
Fur color: White
Hair: Short, well maintained
Hair color: Black, dyed
Eye color: Red

Physical information - Human

Height: 4'8 feet
Weight: 82 lbs
Body shape: Pear shaped
Build: Slim, athletic, swimmer
Skin: Smooth, silk, delicate
Skin color: Milky white
Hair: Short, well maintained
Hair color: Black, dyed
Eye color: Red
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf