Zeldrith Maleviir

Portrait Save
Apparent Race: Drow
Gender: Male
Preference: Females, exclusively
Height: 5'4"
Build: Lean, honed warrior's build
Face: Sharp, angular features; Severe brow
Hair: Stark white; Long, wild mane
Eyes: Crimson to ruby red hues, luminescent in the dark; Focused, attentive gaze
Voice: Low, deep
Piercings: Adamantine studs in brow, nose bridge and lip. Adamantine nose ring.
Other Markings: Prominent blade scars along chest, flank and arms. Whip scarring across back.

Whereas at a glance one might mistake him for an elf, the lack of a substantial disguise quickly reveals Zeldrith for what he is: one of the dreaded drow of the lightless depths. Tall for his kind and broad of shoulder, he stands just above five feet. The honed musculature of a warrior, displaying an unusually robust upper body, coupled with disciplined, graceful fluidity in his movements quickly betray the drow male's field of expertise.

Dressed in anything from fine silken garb to thick leathers and - quite commonly - armor fashioned out of adamantine from the depths of the world and inscribed with runes containing the sinister magic of the drow, he more often than not strikes a figure of dark elegance, well prepared for combat.

Accompanying him at all times is a two-piece rune-inscribed adamantine blade of custom make sheathed in gemmed scabbards of black leather hide on either hip, partially concealed underneath his cloak. When drawn the marvelous drow weapon can be used as two separate blades - or more commonly - locked together by the end of each haft, forming a dual-bladed double sword. Although the impressive weapon strikes an on-looker as his versatile mainstay, one can only imagine he has other weapons concealed on his person, as befits a warrior of his devious kind - ones likely laced with venom.

Often adorned in jewelry consisting of fine wristbands of adamantine and obsidian, embossed with rich patterns reminiscent of weaving purple faerie fire, as well as rings and similar accessories, one piece of jewelry stands out above the rest. Around his neck is a pendant hung from a chain of adamantine bearing the symbol of a black spider poised in a wide, lunging stance, surrounded by purple flames. It could be a House insignia, but not one that calls to mind any local House.

When bared, thin streaks of purplish scars form a mess of crossing slashes across his otherwise finely chiseled back, the remainder of his torso bearing a sparse collection of scars both large and small, jagged and straight - combat wounds most likely, as opposed to the thin slashes across his back reminiscent of a barbed whip.

A thick mane of white hair flows down to his shoulder blades, left to roam down his muscled form in a controlled mess, starkly contrasting the midnight hue of his skin. Unruly strands of hair seek to impose upon the face underneath here and there, affording him a somewhat savage, unpredictable air which is only heightened by a severe brow often locked in a subtle scowl and the intense, crimson-eyed gaze awaiting just below. When riled the simmering crimson hues of his eyes shift into a vibrant blood-red.

His features in turn are fairly sharp and angular, with a strong jaw, modestly-sized nose and lips, the latter of which fall easily into the natural, mild scowl he seems to favor when at rest, if there is such a thing for one of his kind.

His voice, deep and dark as the shadowy realm from whence he came, nevertheless commands a certain amount of attention when raised, and when so raised in ire, a subtle undercurrent of veiled threat and the temperament of a beast best not roused flows with every word.

In combination his features and mannerism afford him a subtly intimidating, unapproachable air, but the disciplined, measured way in which he speaks and carries himself suggests that the man is perhaps in control of his temperament after all. What awaits beneath the somewhat rough exterior of the drow is difficult to discern based solely on casual observation...


- Women (ranging the full span from the mundane to the exotic/monstrous, similarly ranging from bossy and determined to timid and demure, and likewise ranging the full span from corrupt or vicious to kind, gentle and innocent)
- Drow Lore RP(!!)
- Underdark themed RP
- Elves
- Goodly characters
- Humans

- Other drow
- Demons & Devils
- Long- and short-term interactions, plot & story
- Tasteful conflict RP
- Cloak & dagger, assassinations, mercenary work, home invasion and other shady business

- Dark & gritty themes
- Intelligent partners
- Subtext & Subtlety
- Trickery, manipulation & coercion
- Dubious substances & spellcraft
... and much, much more. Ask if curious.

- Males & Mixed Genders (in ERP)
- Heavy BDSM
- Bodily waste in ERP
- Rude/disrespectful people (note: people, not characters)
- PVP without context/story

Always appreciate opportunities for new interactions. Questions? Feel free to ask. Initiative encouraged!

Player:Gallows Humor
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf