Norisha Senden

Abandoned as a child on the steps of a church, Norisha grew up knowing nothing but the church's teachings, learning of the love and beauty of Sune.  Upon coming to age, she decided to serve the church and to help others in need, just as they had helped her.  She spent years training, and now, she is out on her own.  Arriving in Sinfar, she is here to spread the love and joy of the goddess Sune.

Name: Norisha Senden
Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Hair: Raven
Sexual Preference: None

Red: Anal, death, dismemberment, mutillation, torture, god moding (without permission)

Yellow: Rape

Greens: All races and genders, cuddling, fondling, groping, teasing, seducing, slight corruption

White: Impregnation, lactation, incest, animals, whispered fondling, unique races, demons/devils.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human