
Portrait Save
Race: Gargoyle
Age: Very old
Sex: Male
Height: Changing
Eyes: Usually bright orange

Did that statue move, or is it a trick of a light?

In short: Gargoyle with minor shapechanging abilities.


Lights: He have his own story and way of RPing, also I wouldn't list all kinks here because it hugely depends on person(s) I play with.

Red: Usual server ban stuff. Godmoding, powermoding, metagaming. May depend on the mood. If I feel uncomfortable with something I will tell you.

Yellow: Nothing here for now.

Green: Good RP most of all, I would RP all what not listed in reds, yet he has his own likes and dislikes.

Tell friendly. Ask, if you have questions about him and I will try to answer.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human