
Portrait Save
Name: Bavu

Race: Catfolk.  He isn't personally sure of the particulars.

Height: 5'3

Weight: Not much

Fur/hair: Naturally purple

Eyes: Yellow

Gender: Male, though an effeminate one.

Orientation: Pan, Switch.


Light hearted, easy going, and prone to jokes that are occasionally even funny, Bavu is a young man enjoying his time in Sinifer City.  Originally arriving as a stowaway, he quickly settled in to the local culture with a laissez-faire attitude toward the local particularities.

Possessed of a lithe figure, Bavu often dresses in loose fitting, midriff bearing clothing.  He walks lightly, tail swaying behind his hips as he moves with notably unpracticed grace of a cat that might be a bit dizzy sometimes.

In the not particularly unlikely occasion that Bavu might be seen out of his clothes, his slender form would strut about with the same confidence as if he was dressed, clearly not shy about showing off.

His body would be toned, muscles smoothly defined and fit with regular exercise.  In light of that, the somewhat plush rump might be the result of intentional work to make it so, but who can say?

If one's eyes were drawn between his legs, they'd spy nothing suprisingly out of line with the rest of him.  A modest length, neatly trimmed, either resting against his thighs or jutting up with excitement, uncut and mostly still covered even when fully hard if left untouched.

Looking up again would reveal that he caught you peeking, and doesn't mind at all.


Reds: Breaking server rules, bodily waste of any kind, excessive blood or violent descriptions.  Being stalked in tells.

Yellow: Arranging rp via tells or ooc.  I would rather things happen organically

Greens: Walk up rp.  A lot depends on Bavu's mood and who he's interacting with.  Feel free to ask if you're unsure, but he's one to roll with the punches.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf