
Zimira is a Frog demon with a ve ry long tounge and a darkness to her and always drest in black clothing. her eyes displays two collors one blue and one green eye .
(she can be bound by any mage duse to her resistent so anyone willingly can make her  there slave or servent with a bit of magic)
Human form

In her human form she is small and got a very neatly shaped body with small breasts and skiny figure. her tounge can bee seen out at times and it is a very long tounge around20 cm wen fully out . her b her skine is smooth and unlike  what one would think of a frog demon not slimy at all but rather smooth.

Slaad form

in her demon form she would be very tall and very strong built with strong legs and a black very smooth and slimy skine her tounge  reaching over a cupple of meters easly as it reaches out  and she would still however show thos mix collored eyes

red. here is no reds everything is desided troughe rp and she will let you know if she dont like anything but if rp demands it  it can be forch upon her or otherwise so have fun ask if unsure and let the rp deside
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf