
Updated: 9/23/15


"The Fink, are a species of Ratfolk - humanoid rats, with long naked tails, snouts, pink ears, and pronounced incisors, just like their nonhumanoid kin. They are covered in fur of traditional rat colorations, ranging from white all the way to black, and most of the shades and different fur patterns in between. They are natives of Sinfar, dwelling in the foundation of Sinifer, of the sewers and dark alleyways, in their Hidden City."

>Name: "Skitter", King of Rats

>Species: Fink (Rat-folk)

>Religion: Dark God of Secrets

>Height: 3'4

>Weight: Heavier then he looks. Skitter is rather dense and has a good muscled warrior's tone.

>Augments: His left eye, if the covering mask is lifted, is shown that his eye had been clawed or crudely scarred and damaged beyond repair, It's been replaced with somewhat crude metalic orb for an eye humming with the chaotic glowing green electricity stored within, the slightly cracked green lens glowing the lens color, scanning his surroundings.
His Left Arm, a crude replica buzzing with some sort of Green electrical energy within, and being composed primarily of some sort of Iron-rusty colored alloy, it had a fair bit of leather wrapped around it, padding a few exposed areas, protection from water damage, the metal claws were faintly caked in dry-blood, and seemed to have multiple functions and impliments within it.
His Right Leg, similar to his left arm was a leg replica buzzing with some sort of Green electrical energy within, and being composed primarily of some sort of Iron-rusty colored alloy, Just as his left was made from.
A Good Portion of Skitters insides, bones, both lungs, and a quarter of his brain has been augmented with similar mechanical augmentations, of his design, his brain, while fully intact, has intergrated parts of his mechanics, giving him a limited Technokinesis over his own mechanics, this also limits and alters his brain chemistry, giving him a high resistance to mental manipulation, Thought Readings, and while increases his intelligence, decreases his communication and gives low form of Pychotic tendencies.

>Scent: Skitter seems clean now, having daily bathes now, and he looks faintly fluffed, his natural musk smell comes out more. The faint scent of ozone seemed to originate from his Eye Replacement, and his finger tips.

>Occupation: Tinker,
Tazor-Sword Master,
Information Broker,
Owner of The Tinkering Fink,
Fink-Slum Leader

>Skills:  Weapon Mastery, Engineering, Metallurgy, Espionage, Misleading/dissembling (Con-Artist)

  --->Physical Description---

A Crimson and glowing Agment eyes stare out from beneath a ragged hood and mix-matched leather mockup, the edges worn and torn, stained with the grime and murk of the dark alleys and sewers this Rat-creature skitters and lurks in.

His hands were pale and the dark dingy black fur ended at his sewiney wrists, the rest of him minus hands, feet and the insides of his ears and nose was covered in that light layer of musky fur - and should the obsurd notion of clothes comes off ever comes into play - His groin is equally furred, with a pair of large, furred testicles. Swaying lewdly between His's Legs, beneath a furred sheathe which could account of where his height might've gone.

Clawed hands and feet emerge from the layers of dingy, dirt-coated 'clothing'. With his back hunched, it makes him appear all the more small, his head occationally twitching left and right, in nervous ticks, his hands idddly tapping over that curved crude sword of his, His Blade seems to be a complex configiration of a strange mixed metal alloy and gears, with wiring running through the blade, the blade seems to be formed with two blades giving it a double edge. it seems to be augmented with the same metal components as the fink's Augmented Mechanical Eye. It has multiple switches and buttons, along it's grip, wrapped in insulation material, when activated the smell of Ozone can be smelt as the contained energy sparks out, over the blade, buzzing with the emerald electrical energy that the Fink seems to use almost exclusively, like his trademark on his inventions, and this truely seems to be one of his more dangerous and unique closehand combative construction he's made..

What lies in his soul is Deceit and Cunning.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf