
Portrait Save
Height: 5'7
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Race: Human
Gender: Female ((no extra bits))

With a swagger in her step and discerning eye this woman gives the impression that she's seen the seeder side of life, and made a home there.

Her speech seems to fluctuate depending on her mood from that of a heavily accented gutter rat to a more posh lady.

She dresses like a feminine tomboy if that was a look, almost as if she didn't care what she threw on but the combination seemed to read to most as tough.

She's sassy and confident most of the time. Perhaps some of it is false bravado, but she's not keen on being the damsel in distress.


White: RP of all types, but RP!

Green: Most things, BDSM to Vanilla but it still has to enhance a story, not super impressed with random pick-ups.

Yellow: Extreme Torture

Red: Toilet stuff, Cervical Pen.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human