Annita Tanner

This lovely young human woman seems to move about in a priestly robe that does little to hide her impressive bust size, or her wide hips. She appears rather fresh to the streets of Sinifer city, and seems to keep to herself for the most part, exploring and learning the lands that her parents came from.

Standing four feet, eleven inches tall, she seems to have inherited the greater part of the familys recessive halfling genes, though nothing else about her is small. The chest that she struggles to find clothing for balloons out to a massive size, such that she's never really measured it. Though, there was something else that many would find a tad different, she was blessed similiarly to her mother Caryn, in that she posessed both male and female genitals, but kept that fact hidden with sturdy panties, and that ever-present robe.

Basic info:
Name: Annita Tanner
Gender: Herm (Cock can go away temporarily or for long periods.)
Race:Mostly human (Some hin blood)
Age: 18

(Wip more to follow.)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human