
Portrait Save
This tall human man, around 2,2 meter in size with a very muscular body, always seems to talk to someone and someone seems to answer. The voice comes out of nowhere as it seems..or if you have good ears you may notice the voice comes from his huge blade, no matter if its on his back or in his hand.

He smells like combat, his armor is covered with dried blood at many spots, pieces of flesh hanging at some of the armors spikes and horns. But beside of that, all his equipment seems to be in perfect condition as if he would keep the signs of combat on the armor by intent.

He doesnt pay much attention to those around him, unless he is adressed directly, even then his answers are simple and short most the times. Only with his blade, he sometimes has long and detailed disscusions.

Redlights: everything that doesnt include the playerchar "Zola"
Greenlights: Everything else
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human