
Portrait Save
At a glance this seems to be a humanesque woman with golden skin and wings to match. She moves with a catlike, easy grace, precise and keen of balance.

Lithe Build
Amber eyes, slit pupils.
Straight, golden hair.

Were it not for her wings, this woman couldn't be called imposing, but the stretch of living gold, a span 12' from tip to tip when spread, adds a fair deal to her presence.

The lines of a once often smile line the corners of her lips, though her demeanor a distant calm seems to suggest that these days she isn't given to much mirth.

Her golden eyes when focused are intent, but usually wander aimlessly, affording the notion she's looking for something she can't find. A button nose might have lent a cute notion to her face, though the typically neutral, inexpressive line of her lips may make her seem too serious for such.

Though the skin of her face, neck, chest, torso, the inside of her forearms, hands, feet, and thighs are clear, the rest of her body presents with fine scales that are the source of the gold tinting to her skin. The scales that trace her spine are the thickest, while those that coat her limbs are fine as snake scale, coming to tapered off ends along the back of her hands and feet, ribs, and collar bones. These fine scales glitter faintly now and then as their edges catch light.

Her hands are delicate affairs, fingers tipped with ivory nails that bear a resemblance to tapered claws.

Ones most educated guess might suppose that this is some sort of dragon descendant, or other curious half breed or disciple.


G: RP, Stories, Relationships, etc.

R: OOC Dramas & Conflict, etc.

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Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human