Cilwithien Ver'Friltock

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Height: 5'4"
Bust: 30C
Rear: firm and a decent handful to most
Skin: Soft and smooth
Hair: Silken White
Eyes: Violet

Before you stands a fairly lithe drow, her skin if seen is smooth and unblemished, dark as is akin to her kind. Her eyes are a soft hue of violet that can quite easily seem to stare through you. Her tone of voise is gentle and calculated, like she thinks her words through quite well.

While on the surface she tends to cover herself very well, keeping her hair tied up within her hood. Even her weapons are tucked away from view, though at easy reach should she need to go for them. She speaks common fluently as well as drow, though her accent is quite heavily of the underdark. There would be no open signs to which goddess she claims, except by her cloak that shows her House symbol of a spider over shackles, though even that may not denote her goddess entirely.

Cilwithien is the First Matron of Che'el d'Veldrin, though unless you know of the city or know Cil personally, you may not know this.

Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf