Solothil Martel

Age: 194
Bust: 36 D
Occupation: Occupation?
Race: Baloress/Erinyes

Wait, what the hell?

Solothil is the result of numerous years of magical tampering and experimentation on the part of the Infernal, trying to perfect a being with the beauty of the Erinyes, and the strength and power of the Balor. not the end result. She was one of the 'failures' as she proved to be far too strong willed, and was subsequently given the order for 'excecution'.

Well, after the fifth dead Executioner, she finally got sick of it and broke herself out from her cell, and walked into the main experimentation room...simply to tell them to stop fucking around and kill her already.

Needless to say, they decidedly sent her to the prime material plain to cause hell for them.

We jet ahead to today, and she has lived a good amount of time, traveling along, killing and fucking when she feels like it, never really training or thinking about others....

Physiology and Abilities

Solothil is strong...very strong, easily able to lift average sized beings above her head with ease, though her body is quite tone and curved, seeming to take a good deal of the erinyes in her form. Her breasts? Bouncy but firm, and nicely sized with dark nipples. Her thighs were nicely toned.

Being of a sex demon's stock, her nethers can take a lot of punishment...and even give it out, she able to grow a little something extra...well...even two somethings extra if she feels like it, though she identifies herself as female and always will.

Her baloric stock makes her prone to anger, violence...and flaming up. Her body is very...very warm to the touch, and with little more then a flex, her normally feathered wings can completely shift into flames, showing the horrid baloric nature she is capable of.


Solothil thinks of only one person.


She could care less about serving someone, or 'loving' someone. She's out there to make her own life comfortable and to take care of herself.

Someone wants to fuck her? Sure, why not

She wants to fuck someone? She'll proposition them.

People fighting the same thing she's fighting? Hey, why not.

People trying to take all the loot? She'll kill them, or do her damndest to try.

Anything else? Learn in RP.

Traffic lights

Green: Fucking, vanilla, large cocks, Scat, Watersports, beast, some pain, fire, pretty much a lot of everything, especially good RP!

Yellow: Pain (I'm just not too keen on overly large amounts of pain)

Red Death (Thats it, dont kill her, dont expect her to kill for sex)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human