Onnalia Dalley-Whitewing

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~Place holder for engraved items~

Outgoing and having eye pleasing bright red skin with striking black and white markings, Onnalia is hard to miss, but easy to miss judge. Despite the nature of her home land, Onnalia is kind and playful. Her easy smile that shows her brilliant perfect white fangs is surprisingly charming. Wise for her age (19) she can be quite insightful and understanding.

Not one for being tied down she found herself in great need and the goddess Ion was there to take care of her. Onnalia’s devotion to Ion is great, though she sees the goddess more as a friend and surrogate family then a deity. A long time fixture at the temple of Ion, she devoted most of her time to serving the goddess and the other followers as best she knows how.

Though she still serves, she found herself a drift for a brief moment when the ferry stopped  traveling to Nexia and the new home for the temple in Aglon still under construction. Luckily her good friend Freelyn Whitewing let her stay with him and very soon after asked her to be more then friends. This was apparently a good proposition as they have been together ever since.

Currently calling the Athion Commons home, she gladly opens the doors to all of her friends and theirs. She manages The Hapto Shop Annex inside the commons, and her home office where she returns to practicing law after a very long break. A shrewd business woman and loyal friend to have, Onnalia is more then a pretty face.

Her story continues with the very recent and happy addition to her wardrobe. Something she wears proudly everyday along with the smile it inspires, a shiny silver ring topped with diamonds and engraved with a loving message from her devoted husband Freelyn Whitewing.

Lights - Happily married and faithful to Freelyn Whitewing.

Affectionate and Flirty  with friends and shared evenings (threesomes) are possible if appropriate to RP and comfortable with all parties.

OOC Notes: This char is kept primarily as a place holder for the engraved items worn by her husband, and not rped often if ever really.

Player: I'm fluent in reading and writing typonese, willing to answer quick questions, friendly enough OOC but if in fast RP or distracted, tells might get missed or OOC conversations allowed to drop in order to focus on RP. ^_^ I love complex characters, deep stories, and good  plot development. Over all I'm here to RP, and find the next chapter in the lives of my characters, so please don't confuse me the player with my characters.

[Player is quite busy OOC putting play time at a premium. Loyalty and committed play time comes first and foremost.]
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human