Dick Fryar

Player is currently learning Japanese on Rosetta stone in preparation for the move to Japan. If you'd like to RP in Japanese I'd be happy to oblige.

Kon'nichiwa, watashinonamaeha shefudesu.

Personality: Yandere, PC, likes memes.
Gender: Male
Weight: Slaps!
Age: ... 25... *Burns you with fireballs and then stomps on your face, idiot.*
Sexuality: Genderfluid bisexual.

Dick Fryar is a Fryar with a dick shaped head, unfortunately. Yes it looks just like a bellend.

Lights: Good RP. RP that I enjoy. Playing with non-English speakers so I can feel empowered. Playing with English speakers. Walls of text. Hot babes.

Reds: Bad RP. People who don't start plots, people who are afraid of losing. People who are not interested in being tortured.

          :: OOC SECTION ::
I'm a shit RPer huh? That's a joke. I start more plots than you do I guarantee that. I even bet my bio's for my characters are longer than yours. Lmfao.

Yet I am the "Shit" rper.. that's hilarious, in my RP I can type walls of text if I wish to, only one person on this server has witnessed that, maybe two at most. you're the one out of the loop guy, not me. I have friends, I have people to RP with, I type walls, I create plots. Just because your sorry ass isn't apart of it doesn't mean I need to learn how to RP, no you need to learn how to not taunt evil characters and roll with the fucking RP instead of probably being one of those guys that OOc's out when you lose a fight. We don't exploit, we don't break rules. Not intentionally anyways and if I ever have before I always apologize for it.

What we enjoy is deep RP, not a five second chat then fucking in the inn. I have rp'd for hours being tortured and also doing the torturing, just because you're not into the darker side does not mean others aren't, and we use the obviously added VISUAL GAME MECHANICS to approach some situations. It doesn't make fucking sense for my character to sit there rolling a die when I can easily knock them unconscious and take them where I want. If I wanted to play arctic fucking MuD I would be. So before you come onto MY THREAD and start trying to troll me, you best learn yourself.
Player:Marginal Propensity to Fuck
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human