Oria Aurum

Name: Oria Aurum
Age: 324 human years
Sex: Changing (Able to change to the desire of those around her)
Species: Daemon
Daemonic Alinement: Desire (Greed & Lust)

Height: 5'8
Weight: 120 lbs

Skin: Skin looks to be made of flexible gold.

Hair: Dark maroon. Ponytail reaching rump and held together by an emerald gem bauble, bands two bangs hang down on ether side of face, one hiding left eye.

Insides: Oddly enough they are an glimmering emerald color, same with blood.

Eyes: Black with sparkling emerald pupils.

Adult bits: A good simple low D-cup chest with good sized hips for ease of sway.

Clothing: Emerald bauble for hair, Long Japanese Smoking pipe,

Extra bits: 2 inch gold horns on forehead, barely hidden by hair. Semi-thick tail of about 3 feet [Like a lizard/dragon tail].

~Small background~
Oria was an alchemist [for lack of a better title] whom wished to gain the mythical power of King Midas' touch. After many years [6 to be exact], Oria came up with the idea of summoning and then stealing the power from a demon of greed. Completely forgetting summoning has a cost, the woman whom was once human, fused with the demon, giving it a body and her the power she desired. Thus the woman known as Oria died and changed into the Oria people know and love!

Known powers: (Purely for RP purposes)

Controlled Greed [Midas touch but not just gold, temporary on living beings(4 'In game hours'- subtract 1/2 hour per con mod(minumum 1/2hour): fort dc 5+lvl]

Sight of the lustful(Allows oria to delve into the weak minded and see their desires, Mind immunity blocks.)

Averice Aura: A simple aura of ten feet from her, it nudges the inner desires of others toward the surface of the mind, causing them to better attempt to get what they want by any means.( dc 10+lvl will. Mind immunity blocks)
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human