
Portrait Save
Behold: Thunderdell

This brutish creature, twisted and malformed, is of an ancient, cursed is an ogre, foul, uncouth, barely intelligent and cruel...keen to inflict destruction, rape, carnage and death, but perverse, indolent, and lazy enough to be a simple danger, rather than an unstoppable force.

Ogres in general are held in check merely by their laziness ,stupidity and cowardice. Thunderdell is no exception. Eager to inflict his horrible attentions on anything that can be eaten, rutted, or played with, the destructive, childishly simple butcher has been partially cowed, by the number of more-powerful,and more clever, inhabitants of the to be put to task, by threats or bribery. Hence, it is tolerated within the city, begrudgingly making use of its great strength...however, those unable to defend themselves or trick the monstrous ,shambling brute risk the full wrath of his appetites.

(The bestial brute is motivated mostly by impulse and instinct. He can be distracted, bluffed, and possibly dealt with if one can figure out the blunt, brutish way the beast thinks. For example , a lone heroic human looking male declaring himself a champion of Justice will, to the monster, just look like a loud,irritating nuisance regardless of how shiny or amazing his armor or weapon might be.

Avoiding his attention is as easy as not appearing to be a victim. Any sort of hint of weakness, vulnerability, or ease-of-use will probably draw his attention.

The creature seems to view its depredations as an inborn right -and- almost religious calling. Raiding,rape,theft,molestation,and violence all seem to stem from a strange, primitive belief system...

(Things such as scents, nervousness,etc, can be whispered to the player if they "betray" any victim or opponent when faced with this beast.  If you want to be noticed by a giant hulking monster, that is. Will generally respond to any opening emote, if you'd prefer not to actively walk up to the beast)  

(Will match Your rp! Meaning if you rp well, will try to rp well. If you godmode, metagame, or otherwise act ridiculous,ditto! the game will continue regardless. PVP and Roll-play will not win RP. Happy to agree to ignore others if it brings peace to the game))

((( Send whispers of scents or other percieved moments for reaction))
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Orc