
Portrait Save


%_General Information_%
(What can be sensed)

[Race] - Demon (Unknown Subtype) - Elvish Appearance
[Gender] - Female
[Age] - Uncertain / 120-130s in Elvish Years
[Height] - 4 feet 7 inches
[Weight] - 94 pounds
[Eyes] - Dark Red
[Hair] - Silken chestnut
[Scent] - Cinnamon (Destruction. Sulfur. Blood)
[Voice] - Sharp. Demanding. Often rises and falls in volume
[Body Mass] - Average for someone her size, not very muscular
[Miscellaneous] - She maintains a higher body temperature than most (Feels feverish), has a fiendish tail, and two horns atop her head.


(More or less OOC information but can be found out in RP easily)

[Personal Behavior] - Impulsive, volatile, temperamental
[Social Behavior] - Pleasant, enthusiastic, blunt
[Posture] - Restless, unfocused


%_Racial traits_%
(For RP purposes)

[Immunities] - Acid, poisons, diseases
[Resistances] - Cold, fire
[Vulnerabilities] - Divine energy, Electrical energy
[Languages] - Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Elven
[Miscellaneous] - Dark vision, telepathy, physical damage reduction (9/-)


Before you stands a fairly young woman with two dark red eyes and a bored expression. She's often overly enthusiastic in conversation and actions alike, and thus considered unpredictable. She very well could be insane! Analiah maintains a rather energized figure with little fat or even many muscles, she always seems to be bouncing around, always so restless. Given time, one might note the severe and varied mood swings she presents, and said things may make comprehension a difficult feat.

What can be said about her that hasn't already been mentioned? She's got a great smile, fiendish blood, and a tail. Yes.

Greens - Role Play (From conversations to adventures) .. Doing random things. Driving people into madness. Yes.

Reds - Server rules stuff, though that should be obvious. Other stuff.


gl hf
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf