Aelithei Salamariean

Aelithei Salamariean

Age: Unknown
Gender: male

*Aelithei's life began when his families' lives ended.*

Aeli was once a sweet, caring elven boy, always ready to help his family.
He was the perfect child of a perfect family.
When his beloved grandmother died, she left behind a small gift for the little Aeli.
Loving his grandmother, he knew that the book had a special meaning.  
He opened it and realized what it was. A book of spells.
A small piece of parchment fell out of it. Aeli carefully picked it up and read the shakily note
"Let the circle teach you well, love Feria".
Knowing that the circle would be training him slowly and they would probably confiscate his book,
he threw the note away and hid the book bellow a rock.
He returned every day to the same place, reading about spells, angels, demons, the known and unknown.
When he thought he was ready, he tried to cast his first spell. "To create light", he followed the
instructions, step by step, but nothing happened. Just as he was ready to give up, a small spark
appeared out of nowhere. It was small and and barely visible and even if was far too small to create light,
it lit something else, Aelithei's hope. Day by day, he went in the forest to train and eventually mastered almost all spells in the book.
And then, during a heavy night, same as a quick arrow piercing a running man's heart, it happened...
Aelithei awakened by flames tickling his flames, suddenly jumps out of his burning bed. The whole house was on fire.
He didn't hesitate to look for his family for as long as he could, but they were not to be found.
"They must be outside" he thought and ran out. He kept saying that as he rushed toward the front door.
He kicked them open and... His eyes, full of fear and disgust locked on something familiar..
"W.. what... NO!" He yelled as he rushed to confirm his fears. In front of him were burnt limbs of what were once... his family.
"Whoever did this..." His eyes turned red for a split second as his heart was filled with rage.
He remembered he had a spell that could help him find the killer.  
He rushed to the river and without hesitating started chanting the words:
"Water pure, filled with light, bring the truth in my sight". "Help me find the murderer!" He yelled, commanding the moonlight reflecting
in the river to distort itself and create an image of the city, then another image appears, an image of a woman, dressed in black with pale skin.
Aelithei, knowing what to do, imbued the images in his mind and left everything behind. The book, his family and all the memories he cherished.
For what he was planning to do, he had to leave his good side and everything connected to it behind.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human