Claudia Hent

//first part is char information, it means the like and dislike.. is what my char like and hate, not my lights. they will be at the buttom.//

Name: Claudia Hent
Age: 30
eyecolor: blue
Hair color: blue
Favorite color: ofvourse, blue!

Powerfull destructive magic.
Her charm to seduce people.
very resistant to poison and some spells.

Blue! She have a deep desire for that color, love everything thats blue. If she see a guy or girl wearing blue, she will fall in love instantly. And she wouldent harm anything thats blue ether.

People that do anything she tell them to.
beeing praised for her looks.
dominating/abusing other people, both male and female.

To be forced to anything.
Beeing overpowerd/dominatet.
not beeing desired.
Having her hair colord anything but blue, same with her nails.

Little bit of background:
Claudias obsession with the color blue, goes all the way back to where she was born. While its normal for people to have a favorite color, claudia is obsessed. People including her parrents said that obsession was a mental illness. To cure that claudia was locked up, and they kept anything that was blue away from her. Claudia was born, giftet with magical powers. But she dident care about her arcane teachings, uintill a mage used her obsession, showed her some blue colord spells. Claudia suddenly took her gift more seriously, and became a powerfull mage. However now she grown up, and set free from her "prison". There are rumors of claudia having raped serial of people and stolen blue artworks. But the only proof they have, is that her prey was always tied up in blue ropes or silk. And that she only stole blue objects.. never gold or anything else. She have now come to Sinfar, to explore more of this Blue world.

///Now for the likes, what i as player like happening///

Beeing part of a rp event that involve her obsession with blue(even if it is abused against her.)
Rape(both raper and victem)
gangrape (both raper and victem)
unique creatures
big cocks
huge loads.
Small creatures (becourse they are cute)

Slavery (a few warinings if you want to enslave her ;)
She will never truely be broken(she will always struggle in her bindings).
She is a troublemaker when master or mistress isent looking.
I realy love if her master/mistress treat her as the lowest of rank of anyone.
finaly, no one can take away her obsession of blue. Worst toture you can do is keep her away from blue things ;)

All races, both male and female, vanilia ERP, normal RP, adventures.

red: permanent death (you are free to kill her ic, but she will come back again by "help from the gods")
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human