Old Arraphel

Beautiful, confident, tall, and strong. Arraphel presents herself with a devilish pride reserved for those born into high station.

Her skin is a deep, rich teal in color. Dark black hair frames her face and falls down past her shoulders. Her lush, full lips are shaded almost as darkly as her hair, with a faint glossy sheen texturing the dark color.

More striking than any of that, though, are her eyes. The sclera of her eyes are dark, surrounding golden irises that glow with an unearthly light.

Were that not clue enough to her fiendish heritage, surely the curling horns on either side of her head, or the long spaded tail rooted just above her derriere, would be the final proof.

Devils come in many shapes, sizes and purposes. Given the raw strength and power evident in Arraphel's musculature, there is little doubt as to her purpose.

Even Hell has its knights.

Height: 6'7"
Weight: 237 lbs
Gender: Shemale
Orientation: Females

Reds: Toilet play and heavy BDSM themes.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human