Abagail Brightmantle

Heavy, thick interlocking armorplates fastened over a wide, solid body: one of musculature, as opposed to fat.  At a casual glance, the gender of the creature inside was difficult to discern.  Hulking, graceless, and wanting for even the slightest angstrom of the graces more commonly associated with the fairer sex, yet with faintly feminine contours where its frayed loincloth hung off its belt.  Its body was clad in equally ambiguous attire: armor that could have reasonably passed for a slim male, chainmail worn from burnished obsidian to a sickly, faded green, so thin the boiled leather beneath was visible in many places.

Its jackboots were warped and twisted by hundreds of miles walked, and pants where all color save for a faint reddish brown was lost to age: its cloak frayed and torn from years of wind and rain working the fabric to the point of threadbare: the golden raven that was its martial ensign now faded to the point of unrecognizable.  Its helm was dinged and dented in a dozen places, slashed into with swords and mended meticulously to preserve what was once likely an ornate piece of armor.  It carried no weapons.

Only when she spoke did her gender become readily apparent.  Her words were loud, clearly enunciated and high in both pitch and intensity: the sort of voice that was made to be listened to.  

In the unlikely event that she removed her helm, her gender was even more abundantly clarified.  Long, well-washed and maintained hair framed a freckled face, though the obvious, impossible to overlook detail was the scar trailing down the right side of her face.  A long, angry welt cut through a milk-white eye, down her cheek, and entirely through her lip.  Otherwise, she looked entirely human.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human