
Amo is a tall elven half breed with striped ears and a lazy smile. His eyes are a wild-fire of magic and his tall and lanky form is built like an acrobats. He has scars on his bare chest and a slightly vauge exression when lost in thought.

He wears a triplet set of metal torcs at his biceps wrist and ankles, all of which glow with elven and a strange magic. They do not seem removable and he often forgets he has them on..

Name "Amo" Amorphia
Age: 21.
Race: Feliner-Half Breed.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Intellegence: Impressive.
Wisdom: What's impulse control again?
Notable Ancestory: Unknown

Noteable acomplishments:
Came in 7th in archery for his class and Third in Magic for his school. Accidentally started a minor war by stealing a pie from what turned out to be a nobles mistress and wife.

Reds: Scat, Vomit, Herms (Sexualy), Men (Very likely not). Vanilla giant breasts, snowballing.

Detailed Descriptions, Puns, Non-Con, Slavery, Kidnapping, Apprentices, Humbling Upity Nobels, Changing the source of a damsels distress, friendships, and intrueges.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf