
A dusky-skinned pyromancer with magic fire burning in her eyes. This mischevious young elf-looking woman has a playful and outgoing demeanor that attracts attention.

The shadowy mage's eyes shine with magic fire that gives off an unnatural warmth. Her face is adorned with gently arching tattos that accentuate her soft features. Her hair is tied back behind her ears with low-cut bangs that nearly cover her eyes.

Moving downwards, the rest of her dark skin is a canvass of tattoos as well, ranging from artistic to lewd. Some of them seem to be magic runes, while the others are geometric patterns that crawl across her attractive curves.

Her attire usually leaves little to the imagination unless she has something to hide. Two constant pieces of clothing include a gold pendant hanging around her lithe neck and thigh-high boots with stiletto heels.

That's all you can tell with a glance. You'll need to learn the rest IC.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf