
You see before you a man shrouded in a black robe. He seems to be of Kara-Tur descent. His skin a yellow tan, and dark black hair coils around his thin face. He wears a black hood and veil covering his mouth. His brown eyes, are like a hawks, as he seems to be searching for someone. He is normally shrouded by shadows, ever seeking to remain in them. He rarely speaks, but if he ever does he is very polite but, to the point. He is thin, not seeming to be very muscular at all but quick on his feet. If one can see, he has a leather belt wrapped around his waist, with various pouches, and what seems to be a scabbard for a dagger or rapier. He is a man on a mission, but as for what this is only time will tell...
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human