Victoria Dalton

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Quick Description

A tall, confident looking young woman with crimson red hair and piercing blue eyes. She tends to favor smart, vaguely noble looking clothes that wouldn't appear out of place upon a nobleman. She appears calm, assertive, and more than a little mischievous. The word 'roguish' comes to mind easily.

She often has a spellbook on hand, as well as a side-pack containing various documents for her undoubtedly busy schedule. She wears the sigil of a foreign land upon her shoulder; perhaps she's some sort of diplomat or business woman.

Judging by the frequent second glances she gives to particular women who catch her eyes, though, she's not opposed to mixing whatever business she's on with pleasure.


Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: Appears twenty-five
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 115 lbs
Alignment: Does not register as evil.
Butt Status: Cute
Chest Status: Cute
Hidden Secret Status: Cute


Red: All stuff against the rules. Being forced into anything by randoms. Won't have relationships / sex with men, beasties, etc.
Yellow: Being forced into anything is still sketchy, but not impossible, with people I know to roleplay well, and generally won't involve anything too violent or brutal. If you suspect you aren't in that crowd I'd trust, you probably aren't.
Green: Strong roleplay, strong characters, strong writing. Good writing. Subs preferred. Pretty okay with quick sex and growing extra bits to please.

I aim to be fairly approachable, but temper expectations accordingly; she has her preferences. Tell friendly.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human