
[OOC Note: Dust is Familar with the Underdark, and Drow,and the player is intrested in exploring or re-establishing his connection with the Denziens of the Underdark, either as Liaison, or Assassin, or anything more than being a slave]


 Name: Noirel
 Alias: "Dust"
  Age: ???
 Race: ???
 Scent: Sulfur, ash, and spices
 Accent: Amian/Myth Drannor
 Build: Lean, Dexterious with a steady blend between sickly and muscled, showing the body-types typical between book-bound mages, and assassins. It's hard to determine which category he falls into.
 Languages: Drow, Undercommon, Thieves' Cant, Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic.

 ::Physical Description::

He wore clothes of shadow and blood red, a grey ribbon shash wrapped around his waist.

In his hood, was a mask that wrapped fashioned to his exact facial struction, It was colored a Black-velvet hue tinged with red outlining, it had no visible eye-holes and seemed to conceal what he looked like underneath. Shadows seemed to hug his figure, from beneath the hood ripped, two tips of horns, can be seen faintly outlined in the hood, behind him, a long alabaster white tail swayed, the only unique features which still, given his surroundings, only made him blend in.

Drow, or Underdark Denziens, could feel a familarity with the silent creature that is Noirel, his movements, his stature and lonewolf like nature, marks his connection to the underdark, in what manner, remains to be seen without further investigation..

He seems to hold a unique aura around him, felt by both celestials and fiendish/abyssal kind, unlike typical 'tieflings' the feeling, the 'vibe' given off, sets him apart from each race, to celestials, feel him as being something, more than just tiefling, almost mysterious and dark. while fiends and demons, they feel him as being something dark, but almost semi-divine, but shady, and twisted, riddled with secrets. He stands inbetween and in his own place, away from both races of Aasimar, and Tiefling.

His right shoulder is exposed with a tattered almost slash in the leather and cloth, showing off parts of the faint scars of his pale marble-colored flesh, but above it all, lays a Mark, that looks to have been 'Carved' into his Right shoulder, a Rune in Abyssal that read 'Ira' or 'Wrath'.


Bautha Z'hin Style The bautha z'hin style, which means "dodge and walk," relies on the natural agility and light armor the dark elves favor. The drow surround their foes and attack foes from all sides, and they use this style particularly against strange monsters with many attacks and a long reach. The style emphasizes dodging blows and high maneuverability.

Dust-script: Using his left hand, or tail, Noirel can make use of his unique ability to point, emit dust and write in it, the dust is shadowy in color, and it can hover in the air for as long as he needs it too, the dust becomes stronger and easier to manipulate during night, during moonless nights, the dust turns into pure shadow, black tinged slightly with a blood-red color. This ability is what earned Noirel's nickname 'Dust'. He almost soley uses this as a means of communication.

Listening Shadow:creates a mobile shadow that transmits sounds within 60 feet of its location to its caster (similar to, but by no means exactly like, the wizard spell clairaudience) The locale being listened to need not be known. The shadow need not be man-shaped, but it is always of approximately the same cubic volume as the caster. It can squeeze through any hole that one of the caster?s hands, up to the wrist, could pass through, and the caster can change its shape at will. Noirel can use this ability to listen in on conversations on those near shadows

Shadowcloak: This spell creates a semisolid fog of amorphous shape that is centered on the caster or a single touched spell recipient being and moves with that being to hide him or her completely from view. In bright conditions, a rolling, roiling moving cloud of shadow can readily be seen, concealing only the spell recipient?s precise identity (HiPS/Darkness used in place)
Prayer to RNGesus

"Our father,
who art in code
Random be thine rolls.
Thy drop rates scarce,
thy wrath be fierce,
for those who roll on all.
Give us this day our rares and uniques
and forgive those who die before a boss drop,
as we forgive the people who made that a thing.
And lead us not into pet gear,
but deliver us from sacrifice tokens.
for thine are the game mechanics,
and the rules,
and the broken keyboards,
forever and ever.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Elf