Droido Highhill

Portrait Save

[Name]: Droido Highhill
[Race]: Halfling (Mixed Blood)
[Sex/Gender]: Male
[Age] Young Adult
[Height]: 3'8
[Weight]: 58 lbs
[Hair]: Black
[Skin]: Tanned
[Eyes]: Amber-Colored
[Build]: Athletic, toned

The first thing one may notice while looking upon this Halfling is that he seems to be slightly taller than most of his Kind.

His face was covered in small faded cuts and old scars that, for the most part, were healed. The only exception seemed to be the two deep cuts above and below his left eye.


Lights: The usual Reds come into play (Scat, Pedoplay, Rule-breaking), Other than that the RP dictates what may or may not happen.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Halfling