
Portrait Save
The steady sound of the rise and fall of the ocean waves, the soft, soothing noise of the salty sea water lapping at the sandy banks of a hidden away cavern along the seaside are all that is heard for years. Until one day, a stirring begins with simple crackling, a disruption of rock and sand, of plants and coral; all this followed by a sound that reverberates throughout the cavernous lair submerged beneath the tides. Before long there is motion that sends waves of water careening back toward open sea and a time later, on the banks somewhere within her native Lotus Isles, she emerges from the water, walking toward the sandy beach leaving the smell of sea spray in her wake...awakened. Assuming a form, she strides toward civilization with intent to observe the world without drawing attention to herself nor disrupting the flow of events. A firm believer in moral order and altruism, the whispered rumors of life and existence in various parts of the realm draw her attention away from the serenity and relative peace of the Lotus Isles. Her heading took her upon the tides of wind and sea to all other major cities as well as the vast wilderness of the Sinfar realm. In those places came many ordeals and tribulations leading to a searching of the depths of soul. Ultimately this all led to her retreating elsewhere. It is only in recent times the creature is seen in these lands once more, older, wiser, and seemingly far more distant than she once was...

~Dragonborn Form~
Standing above most women at 5 feet 11 inches tall with a toned, swimmer's build; one can see her carrying herself with powerful strides that belie both her confidence and the pride of a being who has a sense of purpose in this life. Her mid-back  length, honey bronze, blonde hair with a metallic shine hangs over into her brilliant sea green eyes that often look out into the world inquisitively. Pursed upon her countenance are a pair of soft lips of a cross between pink and light brown hues from which can be heard a bright, friendly voice that carries wisdom and a bit of curiosity at times at times. Her form fitting but comfortable clothing she usually wears reveals both her lightly bronzed, flawless skin and the soft curves of her figure. Said figure sports a full, toned rear and a set of soft, generously full D's. She has identical intertwined dragons in hues of silvers and bronzes tattooed on both toned biceps as well as a dragon breathing its weapon of lineage coiled around her right leg in bronzes and sea greens. Adorning her left thigh is a smaller, more ornate dragon seemingly at play in slightly lighter bronze and sea green hues. Dotting her perfectly manicured claws upon both her hands and feet is polish of the same green hues of her eyes and tattoos. Upon her backside, you would see a pair of moderately sized, leathery, dragon-like wings of metallic bronze hues with fine, shining scales coating the spines extending from her shoulders; from her backside spans a short, metallic bronze draconic tail covered in those same fine shining scales; from within those blonde locks rises two polished ebony colored horns. Far as anyone looking can tell she appears a woman in her early thirties, her true age a secret along with her true race which she keeps hidden from most people.

~Half-Dragon Form~
Towering above most women at nearly 7 feet tall with a strong, athletic build; one can see her carrying herself with powerful strides that belie both her confidence and the pride of a being who has a sense of purpose in this life. Her shoulder length deep bronzed blondish hair with a metallic shine hangs over into her brilliant but reptilian sea green orbs that often look out into the world with appraisal and intrigue. Upon her countenance one would see the stark likeness of the facial features of a dragon from which can be heard a gruff but friendly voice that carries wisdom and as well as courage at times. Her form fitting but comfortable clothing she usually wears for maximum movement leaving certain appendages unhindered reveals both her skin covered in fine bronzed metallic scales. Said figure sports a toned rear and a set of small but perky B's. She has identical intertwined dragons in hues of sea green and ice white tattooed on both toned biceps as well as a dragon breathing its weapon of lineage coiled around her right leg that come to end at the reticulated calves held upon reptilian feet of draconic beings in hues of bronzes and sea greens. Adorning her left thigh is a smaller, more ornate dragon seemingly at play in slightly lighter sea green hues. Dotting her perfectly manicured, razor sharp talons upon both her hands and feet is the natural color of black hues. Upon her backside, you would see huge sized, leathery, dragon-like wings of metallic bronze hues with fine shining scales coating the spines extending from her shoulders; from her backside spans a long length, metallic bronze draconic tail covered in those same fine shining scales; from within those blonde locks rises two large polished ebony colored horns and ending the spines of her frills extending from either side of her head about her countenance are another six horns in the same hues. Far as anyone looking can tell she appears to be of adult age for a half-dragon, her true age a secret along with her true race which she keeps hidden from most people.

~All Other Forms~
If she appears as something not listed, then she's shape-shifted into a form that's either merely a slight alteration of one of the above forms or one she doesn't frequently take. You'll know what she is "supposed" to be from what you see.

~Side note~ True form will only be discovered through RP and the development of trust between characters unless of course you should happen to catch her hunting...

"Demons"- Imagine Dragons
"Elastic Heart"- Sia
"Freeze You Out"- Sia

Keep in mind with this PC what you see is what you get. However the avatar appears on screen when one is engaging her, that is what they are dealing with at that time. In regard to lights, just avoid the usual server reds. The rest can be dealt with IC.

~Special Abilities~
Note: Special abilities of this creature don't exist per say in NWN, therefore I'm simulating such abilities mechanically where I can with similar abilities RP'ly. Questions or simply not comfortable with that, just say so!
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human