Marelli Nusall

Age: 1000
Height: 7
Skin: Pale Blue
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Dark Blue/Midnight Blue

A Draenei from the world of Azeroth, Laustine stands upon hooven feet at 7 ft tall. Her pale blue skin on her curvy frame which she take no shame in hiding.

Her hauntingly silver eyes glow with a warmness that matches her smile but gives a hint of a cleverness that can tend to get her into trouble at times.

Two horns adorn the crown of her head and tapper off to a slight point which pokes out of her dark hair.

While she is shocked to find herself here in this new world she is rather glad to find a new place to explore, she is sadden that she can't be home fighting for the land that had accepted her kind.
Player:Dragon of Wicca
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human