
Portrait Save

Judging by the large dark wings sprouting from the man's shoulders, there must be celestial blood in him. He is handsome in a rugged sort of way. His long black hair is wild and unkempt.

He is heavily muscled and unnaturally strong. His tanned skin hints at a life spent largely outdoors. Assorted celestial runes can be seen tattooed into his visible flesh, but they seem to have a more tribal feel to them for those who are knowledgeable about such things.

His skin is unnaturally warm to the touch. But it doesn't feel sickly or feverish, but almost as though there was a fire burning within him.

His eyes are alert, taking in all that goes on around him. While they may seem somewhat predatory when he looks at a woman, there doesn't seem to be any cruelty in his gaze.

Two wings covered with black feathers sprout from his shoulder blades. They are strong and quite capable of granting this large man the power of flight.


Generations ago his tribe were celestials, but over the years due to mating with non-celestial races much of the celestials' power has been bred out of them. All that remains are the wings, good looks and a penchant for the divine classes. The wings are a dominant gene.

Cazael's people lived atop a mountain. It was a hard life, but they took to it. There were other such tribes on the nearby mountain tops but over time they dwindled and merged until such time as only Cazael's tribe remained. And it reached a point that, unless they were going to inbreed, they would need to find women to keep their numbers.

They began to snatch women from passing caravans or nearby villages at the foot of the mountains. This worked for a time, but obviously the villagers and caravans were not overly fond of this system. They rallied together and scaled the mountain, assaulting Cazael's tribe.

The fighting was fierce and the tribe was scattered. Cazael flew until he could fly no more, resting in the ruins of an old temple. A strange glow was coming from the center of the temple and he went to investigate. As he approached the light it flared up and when his vision cleared he found himself atop a mountain range that was unfamiliar to him.

Sinfar was now home.


Bondage, kidnapping/enslaving women, non-con, Stockholm romance (though he is NOT monogamous), RP! (despite the bondage and kidnapping, he's still fairly vanilla)


Males, shemales/herms, anything smaller than an elf, animal heads, vore, toilet stuff, godmoding, OOC drama, cutting off his wings is simply NOT going to happen.


1. I prefer some resistance in the scene. I don't mind if she "comes around" in the fullness of time, but "hooray! I've been kidnapped!" gets very old very quickly. Acceptance of one's fate should take a little longer than five minutes. :P

2. Cazael ONLY kidnaps women whose players have expressed an OOC interest in it. If he starts talking to your female toon and you haven't expressed interest he is just talking. No nefarious plans in progress.

3. Internet connectivity and power are an issue where I live. If I disappear during a scene it is simply that either the internet or power has kicked me out. Give me a couple minutes to log back in. If I don't reappear, I apologize and just know that I'm sitting and cursing in a darkened apartment IRL. :P

4. I'm tell friendly. Feel free to send a tell to ask a question, make a comment or simply shoot the breeze while grinding for gold or XP. :)
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human