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Race: Kru'zha
Height: 6 foot 4 inches
Eye Color: Gold
Age: 19
Gender: Male Hermaphrodite
Dick Size: Eight inches long and 2 inches thick. Here's a Gallery for this character, pretty accurate save for his snout being ever so slightly shorter and a little bit wider.

Valus' features have a softness to them that speaks of youth. The reptilian-like face was set with piercing gold eyes which stood out from the black sclera, a soft glow illuminating the man's cheeks. Despite the otherworldly eyes, Valus' expression is one filled with eager joy and curiosity; a joy which is often well communicated by his extremely expressive ears, which raise, lower, twitch, and wiggle. The Kru'zha's mane was short but well kept, coming down to to the shoulders. The black strands of hair slightly covered a gold gem embedded on Valus' forehead, a light glow occasionally seen emanating from it. Beneath Valus' left eye is a tribal tattoo marked in yellow over his hide.

Valus is mostly covered in a deep red hide, though his neck, chest, groin, and the underside of his tail are a sandy yellow colored hide. Valus' physique is one used to activity, toned and firm but not overly muscled. The Kru'zha had a feminine figure, his generous curves often leading those who look upon him from behind to assume him female.

The Kru'zha's arms were slender, with the slightest touch of muscle, as if he'd recently picked up training with a weapon. The man's hands were tipped with claws, kept in a shiny, immaculate state. The claws were sharp enough to rend flesh as readily as iron, though he clearly strayed away from mussing them up.

Valus had fair hips which supported a thick tail, full of life and emotion, the tail easily betrayed the Kru'zha's mood. The tip of the creature's tail seemed to have a cut on it, as if someone took a slice at it straight on. Valus' rear was firm and round, more than a handful, and a small amount of jiggle apparent if smacked.

Valus' genitalia is internal with no external testicles, the male slit is vertical and somewhat hard to see until aroused. The black spire hidden within grows to a hefty eight inches when fully aroused. The tip is pointed, shaped to easily slide within a mate, the shaft growing to normal thickness an inch down. The underside of the black spire had several ridges for pleasure which cut off around the base, where it was a 1/2 inch thick around. The bulbous base expands to 3 inches thick near orgasm, tying off a mate to prevent them from getting away and any seed from escaping. Beneath the male genital slit was a vagina, plump black lips making it stand out far easier.

Typically Valus will stand and walk in a manner more befitting a female, often standing with a hand on his hip while the other hangs limp, shifting his weight from time to time as he looks around him. he would also walk with a certain sway to his hips, tail following the movements, though it was all very natural not all put on.

While relatively clean he uses no soaps or products and seemed to use wildflowers for scent. its mild and hardly over powers the rather confusing scent of the musk of a male conflicting with the scent of a woman.

//Lights? I don't do them I roleplay my character and thats that.
Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Human