Amanda Wheatley

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Amanda was a young girl of seemingly human origins. She was quite short with a lean build and a bottom-heavy figure, with wider hips and smaller breasts. Her skin was fair and soft to the touch without any visible flaws. While her blonde hair was ruffled under her big pointy hat. Her eyes were partially hidden behind a pair of glasses held by a golden frame. She also enjoyed wearing a long, heavily decorated cloak. She pretty obviously preferred the white color and enjoyed gold.

Nice and friendly into kinky and sleazy
Partial and full nudity, public and private.
Sexy and "practical" outfits.
Any gender, dick, or not.
Will dom ladies will sub to anything else.
Most races (Ask if you're unsure because you're playing an unusual one). Magic

BDSM and S'n'M
Bestiality (A pretty green one but ask before approaching me)
Permanent changes and arrangements

Jellies and Slimes of various flavor (Only in ERP)
Undead (Vampires excluded)
Player:The legend of the secret
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Elf