Primordial MKI

Portrait Save
Name: Primordial Mark I
Race: Android
Sex: Mechanism
Homeland: Shades of the Moon
Owner: The Overdeity, Keeper of Six

This small woman-looking figure walks with a regal pose. While her clothing is skintight and does not leave much to imagination, she holds a sense of authority in her gaze and military etiquette in her stance. Her mass of white hair holds exceptional fluff to it whilst remaining very well kept and of silky texture when touched. Furthermore it shimmers in light, superficially. Much like her hair, her skin had a synthetic sheen to it, giving her a doll like though still oddly realistic look to her. Her eyes glint in a pigmentless sheen though pupils and iris still remained defined by bold lines. Nearly at all times a weapon or two float behind her back, held by what seems to be a magical aura.

- Biometrical Scanner
- DNA Sampler
- Armament Warp
- Hacking Tool
- Healpod with filled Syringes
- Verse-Wide Server Upload System (VSUS)
- Mecha-Pod Exterior Computer System
- Magical Conduit Dynamo

- SotM Confederacy against Class-One Hostilities and Intelligence Supernatural Specimens
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human