Hada Jiro

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Physical characteristics

Age: 34
Height: tall 6'4 (193cm)
Shape: average
Weight: 235lbs (106kg)
Build: well built
Hair color: black
Skin color: brown
Eye color: Honey
Face shape: round
Distinguishing marks: none

This is still a WIP and will change accordingly

You examine this man's age in his thirties.
When you can see his face you notice his clear complexion, short black hair shaved and the slight roughness.

You stare for a moment into his honey colored eyes before you perceive the man in his entirety. Average sized, he seems a bit more athletic than the common, distinguished by his toughness and his duty.

Most of the time, he maintains a composed appearance, summarily varying from a state of mind to another. However, it seems he has something more, something dark.  Those who have been around Hada long enough would know that he has a heightened sense of smell.  If you are to ever get close enough to feel him you would notice a small amount of heat radiating from his body.

      In his ONI form
Physical characteristics
Height: very tall 10'8 (295 cm)
Shape: average
Weight: 600lbs (272kg)
Build: well built
Hair color: black
Eye color: Fire
Skin color: Red
Face shape: round
Distinguishing marks: Four Faces, Third eye in center of forehead, long serpent like tongue
Oni type: Ashura  

Ashura are fearsome demon gods with multiple faces and arms. They are roughly human-like in appearance, though their size, strength, and numerous appendages distinguish them from mere mortals.
Ashura are warriors above all else, and live for battle. They love combat, war, and destroying things. They have enormous egos; ashura always desire to be better than others, have no patience for those weaker than they are, and prefer to solve any problem with violence.

There are many different kinds of ashura. Some are considered to be gods and others demons. Ashura are strong, powerful, and magical. In many ways they are far superior to humans. They experience more pleasure than those in the human realm, and live much longer. However, they are controlled by such intense passions?wrath, pride, violence, and greed?that despite their pleasure-filled existence they are constantly fighting and never at peace. Ashura are also wracked with jealousy; to be reborn as an ashura means to be constantly reminded how much better life would have been if you had been reborn in a heavenly realm instead of Jigoku.
Though Hada may be an Ashura he is still in control of his mortal emotions for the most part and can still strive for peace.  Ones who know Hada best know that no matter what happens he will never break his word.

The Lights are still a WIP and will change accordingly I have the right to refuse anything I am not comfortable with

Green Lights
Action, adventure, romance, flirting, RP, ERP.

Yellow Lights
Shemales will take some convincing and he is not really interested but you can give it a try ;)

Red Lights
The usual

Very friendly and approachable please feel free to send any tells for questions you may have.

Gender (Visually):Male
Race (Visually): Half-Elf