
A short, impish creature. Lithe, but
also has a kind of compact, animal
musculature, as well other features
animal-like. Partially haired, thick in places,
others fine and soft and a lighter shade.
The face, hands and perhaps other areas
are more humanly haired.

A narrow chest, with a slight bust does
confirm her womanliness, where strong,
long limbs may not.

Her face is humanoid, though narrow,
and a human-like sparseness of fur
or hair, compared to the most of her.
Thin eyebrows, eyelashes, nose if you
look hard enough, and of course atop
her head. This hair has been shaven
into ridges, treated and twist-dreaded

A small, snubbed nose has a vaguely
lighter underside. Above it, she has
large, yellow feline eyes. Below,
dark, baggy crescents.

Broader lips frame a mouth full of
small, sharp teeth, and two large
fangs may be visible with grins or
snarled expressions.

Smooth skin (where applicable),
youthful features, fine structure
might even make her fairly pretty,
except her face is marked by
scowl lines and the pinches of
disgust or anger.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human