
Portrait Save
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Age(Visually): 26
Age(Real): 437
Height:  5'8''/173 cm
Physique: Lean and muscular

She always wears an ancient  armor made from copper and brass, covering her whole body making it impossible to see any skin or hair.  A wicked looking mace hangs on her belt with blood stains on it. Her movements appear to be swift and confident.

When she takes her helmet off it reveals her silver hair and eyes. Her skin is pale and without any moles, her dark red lips steal all the attention from her other facial features.

As long as she drinks blood she can resist the sun with help of her magical armor. If she hungers for blood she is unable to walk during the day, her body becomes cold and she is unable to feel.
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human