Valkyra Byrwyn

Yes, she's a big girl, she knows
Yes, she fills her armour out nicely, she knows
Yes, that's a very long spear
Yes, she'll introduce you to it if you persist in being an ass but she'll do it quickly, quietly and out of the way, she's big not dumb.

mid 20's
very tall, just over 6 feet
very muscular but still sleek
blonde hair
blue eyes

Impatient but not intolerant, she likes to get straight to the point and even if she "cleans up real good" she'd be far more at ease in a tribal council than any Royal court.

I'm not getting into 'lights', there are just too many to cover them all  but expect that as a barbarian girl she'd have some pretty strong ideas on what's proper and when and she'll make it quite clear when it isn't.
Player:Hibernian Hellion
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Half-Elf