
Jezzara stands at 6 feet in height and holds herself in a confident, but relaxed demeanor. She was once a full fledged Alu-Fiend, though now her silvery-white feathers suggest otherwise. Long has she been a patron of the Arts and continues to pursue this career. She'll sing, recite poetry, tell of tales, and overall has a scholarly background.

She's mostly legs, having lovely long ones at that. Her chest is full and heavy, being DD sized and fun to squeeze. Her backside is heartshaped and she's overall quite beautiful and curvey. Rarely does she like to show her entire features though, prefering more conservative attire. She can be the promiscuous sort but placing trust in others behind the private doors of a room is rare.

While usually strictly female, she'll not shy from using her musical talents to influence her gender to change, often boasting a long twenty-five inch piece for her mates, or whatever their usual desire is. In such stages she's quite hard to mate with. Whatever the case, her studies are her primary focus and she admires anyone that is as creative as she is or clever enough to keep her attention, which is usually everywhere!

She's a nonviolent being, prefering to use the good graces of diplomacy to settle disputes, and rarely adventures due to holding no interest in combat. At times she'll accompany her friends to provide bardic support, however. The most notable feature about Jezzara is that her wings will produce musical mellodies that vary on her mood.
Player:7 Layers
Gender (Visually):Female
Race (Visually): Human